Day 645 I can’t love you Tyler

2 11 2014

Halloween is such an interesting holiday. There are way to many people who think clowns are funny and I for one think not. I would rather punch a clown in its funny nose that look at it. I know I have issues but I’m a work in progress. One of the houses I took my son to give away full size candy bars. I decided to be there best friend.

Please do not feel sympathy, pity, whatever for this blog. I m writing my feelings and I know how others feel I hope someone can feel like their not on an island and it helps to bring healing. 3 weeks ago I had a friend in my mens group say do you even know what love is. I was really pissed when he first asked and I said yes for sure. He said put it on paper and let me know. Its taking me three weeks and here is what I’ve come up with. The past two weeks have been a struggle for me and I mean big time. I think it’s a lot to do with being in a relationship and falling in love again. I know men don’t share their feelings like I do so men and women will both bash me and tell me that its weird. Its okay I’ll build a bridge and you decide if you want to walk over it.

One of the statements that still wrecks my mind sometimes from my marriage   is “I can’t  love you Tyler” in my mind i kept telling her yes you can you just stopped trying. I know I made mistakes but so did you and I’m changing so you can love me. That never happened and you know the rest. I’m 3 years separated/ divorced and the words haunt me. No matter what I know about God and his power, my counseling etc.. I live like I can’t be loved. I will tell you what you need to hear and what I want to hear but my actions are different from that. This is where I beat myself up more than any other aspect of my life. I don’t want to hear that there aren’t good men and women out there  because it’s a lie. We attract who we are so we are the problem and the solution. The reason I’m single is because I believe the lies of my mangled heart. I finally realized that it is  a mangled mess and since is a decision and not a feeling I know that whoever she is can either love me or not, cheat on me or not,  or just decide that you not enough and just walk away. So armed with that info I have a line and if you cross it I will mark you out of my life and never choose to see you again. It’s not I have a  lack of knowledge I have plenty of that. Knowledge without action is like eating a shit sandwich it doesn’t taste good and you really can’t give it to anyone either. I have thought a long time about what I really want and I think this is correct for me:

I need someone Im attracted to for sure. Lets get the generic crap out-of-the-way. I need someone who doesn’t smoke, Affectionate giving and  receiving, funny and will laugh at herself  and me, has some sort of relationship with her family, will communicate about everything yes even that. Here is this stuff that matters. The more you see my brokenness you want to get closer,  you will let me take care of you because Im wired that way, not control you but take care of you, that if you or I walk out the door we know that were coming back, that when nobody in the world understand you try, you put me in my place but out of love, you’ll let me do all the sappy, crazy things you hear about but have never seen, we Really don’t go to bed mad, that we can show each other grace when it’s not deserved,  that my fears become your fears and mine yours so we can break through them together, when I throw a fit you know it’s not often and you find out why rather than trying to break me, that we are both okay not saying a word but that it’s so many words being spoken, when I fail you will get mad but remember the man I am not the man I was, when I want to get in the car and drive you don’t ask where, that when I don’t understand your hormones Ill try and wont always blame it on your hormones, that when we lay next to each other I do just want to hold you, that you will let me be your biggest fan not because I should but because I want to, when I try to shake it all off and pretend its okay you call me out, that you will see my greatness when I can’t, when I do something for you it’s not because I want something but because you deserve it and you accept it as such. Finally you and I know that wherever and whatever is going there is someone out there that understands.


So I know what works for me. You see this picture of a mangled car: You also see the car fixed. I know God will fix my mangled heart but it will also take someone who is strong and will love like they never have. If she chooses to do that then they will get what she always thought was not able to be attained.


So as I struggle through this it will workout it just takes me trusting and believing again, praying to God for his will and not mine, and opening my eyes when they have been closed. Mangled heart and all Im an amazing catch and someone will get this one day. Until then here’s to putting my puzzle back together.




One response

2 11 2014

Thank you for sharing your raw, unfiltered heart. I see you as a glorious oak tree with roots so deep and shade so full, that people from all over find peace and rest when they are in your presence. I believe people see you from a far and on purpose try to get near you. Thank you for always being cut throat honest and never holding back. You are precious.

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